Case Study Chillers for Circular Economy

Frigofluid Refrigeration Systems Serving the Circular Economy

‘We want to create a world where nothing goes to waste’: this is the vision of the plastics production company from waste material to which Frigofluid supplied a chiller and cooler.

  • Customer of the circular economy
  • Switchgear and extruder cooling
  • Two heterogeneous cooling systems for different process requirements
Environmentally sustainable plastic manufacturing company
Veneto, Italy
Interlocutor type
End customer
Application field
Plastic production from recycling material
Story in a nutshell
The company transforms huge amounts of complex waste into high-quality recycled raw materials to be used in manufacturing instead of natural resources. These recycled raw materials include ferrous and nonferrous metals, plastics, and paper.
List of customer requirements
Cooling electrical panels and extruders
Output fluid and temperature
Water/glycol +15°C (chiller chiller)
Water/glycol +32°C (adiabatic chiller)
Ambient air
Required powers
131 kW (chiller)
488 kW (adiabatic dry cooler)
Technologies supplied
No. 1 RWC EFC 150/2-4GR ax chiller with free-cooling
No. 1 adiabatic chiller PAD VH 488/6 Q
Realization of hydraulic system

Different refrigeration systems for different process lines

The optimal selection of different refrigeration systems, depending on the different production lines served, brings a double benefit. On the one hand, the most obvious economic benefit is the utilisation of resources according to the actual needs of the plant and individual process, with the resulting ‘cuts in bills’. Furthermore, this optimisation of water and energy supports the environmental sustainability to which companies and consumers are rightly becoming increasingly attentive.

An environmentally sustainable plastics company in Veneto has also opted for a dual system for several lines:

  • an RWC EFC ax chiller. The free-cooling device of this refrigeration system allows, in cold periods and when automated by means of a control panel, direct cooling of the ambient air. Energy savings of up to 80% compared to chillers without such a device can be calculated.
  • an adiabatic dry cooler PAD-V. This is an optimal system for average fluid outlet temperatures (for which a chiller is not required). In addition, the possibility of changing from the ‘standard’ dry cooling mode to the adiabatic pre-cooling mediated mode has an advantage: the optimal balance of performance and resource savings, with considerable water savings.

In addition to these two systems, Frigofluid supplied the customer with the hydraulic system, thus positioning itself as the single point of contact for industrial refrigeration with the company.

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Some Frigofluid projects

Tools to help you choose

Preliminary Assessment

Many interlocutors come to us with a very general idea of their industrial refrigeration needs: this is normal. That's why we stimulate the sharing of technical information.

Customized Design

We believe that integration with the best accessories on the market and the careful and 'unified' selection of internal components can make the difference.

Custom Chillers and Turnkey Plants

Production facilities and the characteristic of the installation area also have important effects on the design: because one cannot stop at the listed solutions.