Industrial Thermoregulation
To achieve and maintain high process temperatures
Do your production lines need to heat fluids and keep them stable at advanced temperatures? The most advanced industrial temperature control units can do both. With these units, it is often possible to work with both pressure and vacuum. And the touch-screen control gives a not inconsiderable ease of use.
Requirement: maintaining process fluids at temperature
The use of industrial temperature control units is linked to the needs of some companies, for example in the plastics moulding sector, to bring fluids in production lines to very high temperatures: over 100°C for example.
However, another need often stated by manufacturing companies is underestimated: that of maintaining fluids at these high temperatures for determined periods of time and without fluctuations. At stake is the possibility of quality moulding of semi-finished products.
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Solution: customised industrial temperature controllers
Both functions, i.e. heating and keeping the fluid at temperature, can be performed by temperature control units.
- Heating usually takes place with fluid pressure work. Temperatures of up to hundreds of degrees are thus obtained.
- In addition, some advanced temperature controllers allow the temperature to be kept stable through auto-tuning mechanisms. An added value for the quality of the companies’ work… and a saving of energy otherwise dissipated unnecessarily!
The extra gear: direct cooling, pressure depressure, touch control
A typical way of maintaining stable process temperatures is integration with a direct cooling mechanism: cooled water is received from an external source (a well, chiller or dry cooler) and is used to temper the previously heated fluid.
In addition, some temperature control units operate both under pressure and under vacuum: the latter mode, which is less efficient, is nevertheless extremely useful when the served utilities have leaks.
Finally, touch-screen control: this mode is very popular with industries, given the complexity of operation of these flexible and versatile units.
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