Industrial Refrigeration Assistance

Your system in 100% operation

Beyond the product. And even beyond customised design. The installation of your solution requires a series of steps for its full functionality, which is best entrusted to a single point of contact. This is especially true in the case of complete turnkey refrigeration systems.

Assistance with the installation of industrial refrigeration systems

Installation Assistance

The installation phase of the system brings with it practical precautions and prior knowledge of the individual project: why not rely on the same partner who designed and built the machinery and integrated a turnkey industrial refrigeration system?

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Plant Connections

Plumbing and electrical connections are of course an important component of the heat dissipation system or turnkey refrigeration system: we entrust this essential phase to serious and trained operators, always with our supervision during installation of the machinery.

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Electrical Connections Chillers
Start-up Testing of Industrial Chillers and Coolers

Start-Up Test

The refrigeration or cooling system, or the turnkey system, is installed. The secondary components and piping are also ready. All that is missing is the first start-up: a phase where supervision by your single-source contact person for industrial refrigeration is still important. Here's why.

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Operators’ Training

Water and antifreeze filters, control panels and f-gas: every refrigeration or cooling system has mechanical and electronic components to be managed and maintained over time. Need support? No problem. We'll explain everything to you at first start-up. You will also be able to call us for routine maintenance, according to the timetable for an appropriate 'servicing' of the machinery.

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Industrial Chiller Operator Training
F-Gas Control in Industrial Chillers

F-Gas Control

If you want to inspect your chiller, and check for leaks, you should contact a certified company: we are at your disposal for inspection and maintenance of chillers, Frigofluid and non-Frigofluid, operating with fluorinated gases.

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Spare Parts

Frigofluid supplies you with standard spare parts for all the refrigeration and cooling systems it manufactures. It is important to provide periodic or extraordinary spare parts replacement, in case of critical situations, in order to always have efficient and safe systems.

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Spare Parts for Industrial Chillers
Refrigeration Plant Maintenance

Plant Maintenance

Regular communications, proven practices, mobile workshops and timely intervention by licensed technicians. We won't leave you alone after installation: you can count on us for routine and extraordinary maintenance of your industrial chillers and coolers.

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Chiller Ready for Delivery

Frigofluid offers a wide range of chillers in stock to meet the needs of customers who are in extremely urgent need of an industrial chiller. Our selection of “ready to pick up” chillers includes several types, including solutions with environmentally friendly refrigerants, others with free-cooling modes, and industrial chillers specifically for low fluid outlet temperatures.

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Industrial Chiller Storage Tank

Frigofluid service: precise and effective

Frigofluid is well aware of the importance of after-sales service and, to this end, invests heavily in the training of on-site refrigeration technicians, all of whom have a regular licence, but care and courtesy are also essential with all customers. Fully equipped mobile workshops ensure maximum professionalism and intervention capacity. Training courses for foreign refrigeration technicians are organised to ensure a high degree of customer care anywhere in the world.

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Tools to help you choose

Preliminary Assessment

Many interlocutors come to us with a very general idea of their industrial refrigeration needs: this is normal. That's why we stimulate the sharing of technical information.

Customized Design

We believe that integration with the best accessories on the market and the careful and 'unified' selection of internal components can make the difference.

Custom Chillers and Turnkey Plants

Production facilities and the characteristic of the installation area also have important effects on the design: because one cannot stop at the listed solutions.