Adiabatic Cooling: Adiabatic Dry Cooler

The advanced level of dry cooling

Resource optimisation and performance: how to combine these two needs? Through adiabatic cooling. Devices that exploit this principle are useful for average fluid outlet temperatures, have a PLC as standard, and can also operate in dry mode if necessary. Versatility and control.

Requirement: water saving, performance, average outlet temperatures

Water can provide high performance in cooling systems, but often its scarcity does not allow its large-scale use. In these situations, it is therefore necessary to opt for coolers that optimise its use.

There are specific technical solutions for this requirement, especially if no lower fluid outlet temperatures than ambient air are required.

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PAD-V Adiabatic Coolers Condensers

Solution: adiabatic cooling

The perfect system to combine these requirements (optimisation of resources, performance, average output temperatures) is adiabatic cooling.

Adiabatic coolers utilise outside air as a cooling carrier, but through a pre-cooling mechanism only during the hottest periods. In these devices, electronic control is standard and remote management is an excellent plus.

Adiabatic and dry operation according to periods

The adiabatic dry cooler benefits from a dual operating principle, depending on the time of day and year: dry cooling, typical of a classic industrial dry cooler, and adiabatic cooling, which gives the device its name.

Together, these two operating modes allow a great optimisation of resources together with advantageous cooling performance.

  • Dry cooling: during cold periods of the year, outside air is conveyed directly to the heat exchange coils (in which the industrial fluid to be cooled circulates). This allows good performance, using only ambient air, and above all without the use of water. At this point, the adiabatic cooler behaves like a common air cooler.
  • Adiabatic cooling: In hot periods, the outside air is cooled “adiabatically”, i.e. by short wetting cycles, before being conveyed to the coils. The adiabatic cooler is controlled via a PLC, so the use of resources (water and energy) and the resulting performance are optimal.

The extra gear: an adiabatic pack... artfully constructed

How much water is used during wetting cycles in hot weather?

It depends on the settings on the PLC. Not only that. The manufacturing material of the adiabatic pack also plays a role: that is, the section that is impregnated with water to pre-cool the air and which must, therefore, be waterproof and rot-resistant. And in this sense, an excellent material is flocked PVC.

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We believe that integration with the best accessories on the market and the careful and 'unified' selection of internal components can make the difference.

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