Certifications for Industrial Refrigeration
Safety with FGases, energy efficiency and performance according to the latest innovations in the industry (such as Industry 4.0), quality processes: these are frequent demands that an industrial refrigeration company must assure its customers. We have chosen to provide these guarantees through internationally recognised third-party bodies.
FGas certified company
When engineers, plant managers and company owners have to manage refrigeration systems, it is important to be able to rely on experienced refrigeration specialists, who are able to work especially with refrigerant gases.
You can rely on us for this need: Frigofluid is in fact qualified to repair and maintain process chillers with fluorinated greenhouse gases. As such, we are an FGas-certified company. All companies that handle this need must obtain a certificate of qualification, to prove the quality and safety of the work to be carried out: our company has obtained the FGas Apave certification, a body certified by the Italian Accreditation Body Accredia, which has already issued more than 14,000 certificates of capacity for the use of fluorinated gases in France alone. The duration of the certificate for employees is 10 years, but maintenance is required every year.
We are aware of how important this issue is for our customers: Frigofluid’s technicians already obtained their refrigerator licence in August 2011. We were therefore among the first companies in Italy to have pursued this goal.
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Industry 4.0 Certification
Frigofluid has obtained product conformity certification to the specifications required for Industry 4.0 (Industry 4.0 Certification) from the prestigious certification body Bureau Veritas.
All of the company’s solutions feature probe systems and control panels that can be integrated with the management systems of customer companies. The aim is remote monitoring and predictive maintenance of all components. As an additional service, Frigofluid can perform this integration via a serial port for connection and interfacing with remote stations.
Quality Processes
The quality of our internal processes is certified by two international bodies: IQ Net and SQS.
We are constantly working to meet market standards and adapt internal processes to customer requirements.
Certified chillers, coolers, temperature controllers range
FGas certification, Industry 4.0 certification, quality and environment: all our industrial chillers, cooling and temperature control systems, or the processes for their production and marketing, are certified. Including:
- industrial refrigerators,
- air coolers (dry coolers) of process liquids and adiabatic dry coolers,
- water temperature controllers, diathermic oil temperature controllers.
Plants and components
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