Refrigeration Systems for Operations Managers

Rely on simple solutions, you can concentrate on production

The ideal industrial chiller or cooler is one that you can install and then... forget about. We have implemented several specifications to align ourselves with this 'ideal' and offer plant managers the coveted operational continuity: design with advanced programmes, repeated tests on all refrigeration systems or further machines, accessories for Industry 4.0. Furthermore, we aim to be the single point of contact for those managing complex systems.

A single interlocutor.

A single interlocutor. Your partner throughout the project and installation, whether for individual solutions or turnkey refrigeration systems.

Selected internal components.

Selected internal components. Evaluation through unified programmes to have immediate visibility of their interaction in the design phase.

Predictive maintenance.

Predictive maintenance. All Frigofluid systems have Industry 4.0 Certification and can therefore be monitored remotely at the customer's request.

Guaranteed performance.

Guaranteed performance. Regular testing and acceptance of all installed solutions.

Safety in operations.

Safety in operations. Chillers, coolers and temperature controllers regularly tested before installation, rigorous after-sales service with licensed refrigeration technicians.

References in industry.

References in industry. We have been serving a variety of industries since 1995, thanks to the decades of experience of our founding partners.

Simple and reliable refrigeration

In most plants, refrigeration and cooling systems are the final section of a long production line: what operations managers want is to take complexity out of the system, to focus on productivity. And to rely on a single, reliable contact for the individual parts of the plant.

This is why the regular test and acceptance phase for all machines is important: each component, already selected in its interaction with the other parts, is individually checked. All this to ensure operational continuity for plant managers, at least as far as the refrigeration section is concerned.

Refrigeration Solutions for Operations Managers

The security of Industry 4.0

Remote monitoring is a further tool for ensuring operational continuity: Industry 4.0 chillers and chillers allow real-time verification of performance and correct operation, with the possibility of timely intervention if the operator notices unexpected parameters.

All Frigofluid devices have Industry 4.0 Certification issued by Bureau Veritas. The operations manager can therefore request the appropriate service to integrate the refrigeration (or cooling) system with his company management system and obtain the benefits of this extraordinary innovation.

Customer care services you can count on

Ordinary maintenance is an important moment to have your technology always efficient and safe and to allow the regular operation of the whole system: it must therefore become a ‘habit’ thanks to the support of refrigeration technicians, all of whom have a regular licence.

Frigofluid is able to guarantee this service: the company’s mobile workshops are perfectly equipped for this purpose. You can also count on the training of your operators, so that you know when to ‘service’ your machinery.

A separate chapter is the management of F-Gas in industrial chillers: we can repair and maintain chillers containing fluorinated greenhouse gases. With our F-Gas certification issued by Apave, an Accredia-certified body, we intend to stay in line with the latest updates of the F-Gas directives.

Ask for information

Some Frigofluid projects

Do you already know your plant engineering requirements?

Tools to help you choose

Preliminary Assessment

Many interlocutors come to us with a very general idea of their industrial refrigeration needs: this is normal. That's why we stimulate the sharing of technical information.

Customized Design

We believe that integration with the best accessories on the market and the careful and 'unified' selection of internal components can make the difference.

Custom Chillers and Turnkey Plants

Production facilities and the characteristic of the installation area also have important effects on the design: because one cannot stop at the listed solutions.