Energy Saving Case Study in Plastic Molding

Continous Saving in Plastic Moulding with Frigofluid Chillers

Frigofluid supplied a chiller with built-in free-cooling to a Veneto-based plastic moulding company as part of the expansion of its production system (addition of new presses). The consultancy covered not only the technical solution, but its incorporation into the plant’s entire heating and air-conditioning system.

  • Plastic moulding customer
  • Continuous resource savings through free-cooling
  • Performance and process optimisation
Plastic molding company
Veneto - province Treviso (Italy)
Interlocutor type
End customer
Application field
Plastic molding
Story in a nutshell
Frigofluid's client company is active in plastic molding. A point of common interest that immediately became apparent was process and energy consumption optimization.
List of customer requirements
Refrigeration of plastic presses; expansion of the production site to serve No. 5 presses to be installed in the future.
Output fluid and temperature
Water +15° C
Required consumptions
Consumption savings, with presentation of data and indication of different technical solutions.
Further requirements
Cooling capacity: 55.8 kWf, deduced through tonnage capacity data of each press. Hypothesis of using the condensation heat from the machines to heat or mitigate the production areas during the cold months and thus save on the methane bill. The continuous plant savings enabled by free cooling was found to be more cost-effective: in fact, heating the hall by refrigeration machine involves air distribution ducts and dampers for temperature control.
Technologies supplied
Chiller with Free-cooling RWC-EFC 60/2 ax (dimension: 2450 x 1330 x 2455 mm).
Constructive pluses
1. Possibility of intervention in maintenance without total downtime due to the splitting of refrigeration circuits.
2. Maximum energy saving through independent fans (electronically controlled brushless axial type).
3. Compatibility with Industry 4.0 (certified).
12-month warranty on all parts.
Key to Success
Free-Cooling series power plants allow continuous plant savings without any additional design or works. Data obtained by comparing customers' consumption information with the "Free-Cooling Energy Saving Card" program, simulating two water working temperatures +15°C and +20°C).

Industrial chillers that optimise the use of resources

An increasingly attractive point for industry, also in the plastics moulding sector, is the possibility of industrial refrigeration performance with measurable savings in electrical energy: this is what Frigofluid’s RW EFC ax series process chillers make possible, which were also selected for a plastics moulding company in the Treviso area.

The main requirement was the refrigeration of plastic presses, taking into account a future expansion of the production site (with five presses).

As far as the optimal management of heat and cold was concerned, the client company had initially assumed the re-use of the machines’ condensation heat to heat the production areas: Frigofluid showed (data in hand) that it was more cost-effective to use the continuous savings allowed by free cooling, a mode of use incorporated in the RW EFC ax series.

Independent, brushless axial fans with electronic control of the operating parameters allow the highest possible energy savings.

There are three operating modes for the RW EFC ax industrial chillers (alternatives, depending on the season and time of day):

  • RW central cooling with air condensation, which allows the set temperature to be maintained, even with ambient air temperatures higher than those of the process fluid, thanks to the work of the compressors.
  • RW / EFC cooling by combined effect of chiller section and free-cooling section.
  • EFC liquid cooling by driving only the fans of the EFC section, with very low electricity consumption. The suggested process fluid temperature values for this technology are between +10°C and +25°C. In standard execution, ambient temperatures of up to +40°C are permitted. Special designs are available on specific request.

The free-cooling chiller supplied to the Treviso company uses two refrigerant gas circuits. Total cooling capacity: 55.8 kWf.

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Tools to help you choose

Preliminary Assessment

Many interlocutors come to us with a very general idea of their industrial refrigeration needs: this is normal. That's why we stimulate the sharing of technical information.

Customized Design

We believe that integration with the best accessories on the market and the careful and 'unified' selection of internal components can make the difference.

Custom Chillers and Turnkey Plants

Production facilities and the characteristic of the installation area also have important effects on the design: because one cannot stop at the listed solutions.