Replacement refrigeration system

Efficiency even in emergencies

Certain inconveniences can occur to the installation's refrigeration system: a chiller temporarily out of use, waiting for a new system... To remedy this problem, there is the possibility of requesting and installing a transitional chiller. Economical, efficient, usable for the period strictly necessary.

The need: the criticality of a production plant

In a number of cases, it is useful to request a replacement chiller or refrigeration system for your plant: for example, the main chiller is currently out of operation or has failed due to rising outside temperatures.

In some cases, you simply want to have a replacement ready, as you are planning to modernise your system (thus as a simple precautionary measure).

Tell us your needs
Case Study Backup Refrigeration for Chemical Sector

The solution: a reliable replacement chiller

Certain general characteristics must be ensured by the manufacturer of a reliable replacement chiller:

  • the size and power of the chiller is comparable (if not exactly equal) to those of the system it is to replace,
  • the output temperature is as expected,
  • the refrigerant gas is both high-performing and sustainable,
  • the supplier must give availability, direct or indirect, for maintenance in case of need.
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Tools to help you choose

Preliminary Assessment

Many interlocutors come to us with a very general idea of their industrial refrigeration needs: this is normal. That's why we stimulate the sharing of technical information.

Customized Design

We believe that integration with the best accessories on the market and the careful and 'unified' selection of internal components can make the difference.

Custom Chillers and Turnkey Plants

Production facilities and the characteristic of the installation area also have important effects on the design: because one cannot stop at the listed solutions.