The Chiller: what to know
Answers to all your questions about industrial chillers. How do industrial chillers work? What are the components of chillers. How to select a good industrial chiller manufacturer? The testing and inspection procedures of chillers.

Chillers: how they work and what they are used for

Compression chiller: what it is and how it works
How do compression chillers work? Let's take a detailed look at how this is done, along with some basics for its operation.

Components of an industrial refrigeration circuit and industrial chillers: a complete guide
In this article, we dive into the inner workings of an industrial refrigeration circuit and industrial chillers in general: we will reveal the essential components that make these systems work.

Free-Cooling Chiller: what it is and how it works
What is the definition of free cooling? And how does a cooling chiller equipped with free-cooling technology work?

Air Chillers and Water Chillers: products in the market

RW ax Liquid Chiller
These liquid chillers combine efficiency and performance control with brushless axial fans: they are chillers suitable for achieving average fluid outlet temperatures while optimizing energy use. In standard execution, ambient temperatures up to +40°C are allowed, but set-ups for even higher ambient temperatures can be requested.

RW CW Liquid Chiller
The RW CW line was developed to serve production islands where air movement is not permitted. Electronic control also allows the energy used by these liquid chillers to be optimised. Low temperatures, efficiency, protection from external agents.

RW / EFC ax Liquid Free Cooling Chiller
The secret of this system is the combination of the refrigeration section and the free-cooling section depending on the time of day and year: the first mode allowed by these liquid chillers takes advantage of the normal operation of a refrigeration circuit, the second allows cold outside air to be directly conveyed to the fluid to be cooled: maximum efficiency, minimum energy use due to the clear separation between the two sections.

Chiller Service: what to ask manufacturers for

Cooler or Chiller Testing and Commissioning Procedure
The assurance of performance and efficiency

F-Gas Control for your Chiller
If you want to inspect your chiller, and check for leaks, you should contact a certified company: we are at your disposal for inspection and maintenance of chillers, Frigofluid and non-Frigofluid, operating with fluorinated gases.

Chiller Ready for Delivery
Frigofluid offers a wide range of chillers in stock to meet the needs of customers who are in extremely urgent need of an industrial chiller. Our selection of “ready to pick up” chillers includes several types, including solutions with environmentally friendly refrigerants, others with free-cooling modes, and industrial chillers specifically for low fluid outlet temperatures.
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